
Joanna Bastian

Vital mentor, Life coach, Functional breathing coach, English teacher and translator

Joanna Bastian

Lyon (Francja), online (Zoom)

Show me how you breathe and I will tell you how you live!

Breathing is a key that opens for each of us either the treasure chest or Pandora’s box as it directly influences our body, emotions and mind. 

My name is Joanna Bastian and I have been on a quest for holistic health for over 20 years. I have studied and practiced yoga, ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) and meditation. I am a lover of nature, mountains and physical activity. I am also an English teacher and translator, who is keen on giving her students/clients/readers methods and tools to empower themselves, become self-reliant and thrive.

Currently, after having tested and practiced many approaches and methods, I am a functional breathing practitioner and coach using two complementary methods: the Buteyko method and the Oxygen Advantage® programme. They meet criteria that are important to me: they are reliable, holistic, easy to practice and integrate into daily life and inexpensive.

So, I hope that you, like me, will make the breath your best friend so that it can accompany you in all your projects at every second of your life!

If you are interested in personal coaching or group training, do not hesitate to contact me:
